Revenues General
Taxes $154,274
Intergovernmental $192,800
Grant Income $ 73,750
Trash Fees $ 72,998
Court Fines $ 52,149
License & Permits $ 13,158
Investment Income $ 114
Sewer Lateral Fees $ 16,289
Other Income $ 15,638
Total Revenues $591,170
Administration $ 55,954
Municipal Court $ 39,839
Overhead $ 38,180
Police $218,353
Building $ 1,094
Community Development $ 76
Parks $ 6,820
Health & Sanitation $ 90,082
Streets $ 4,615
Capital Improvements $ 8,786
Total Expenditures $463,799
Excess (deficiency of revenues
over expenditures $127,371
Fund balances, beginning of year $408,617
Fund balances, end of year $535,988